Family of Four

Family of Four

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

9 Whoppin Months Old!

Wow- can't believe it but the little cub is 9 months old as of yesterday! WHAT?! And it appears that even though he looks like a spitting image of his Pa, he seems to be just starting to get the first influx of Momma's side of the family genes in the size area. But he still has a big head...

19 lbs. 15 oz.  - 41st  percentile

27.5 in. long  - 25th  percentile

18 in. H.C.   - 63rd  percentile

Just glad he's healthy and happy and we love this boy so stinking much it's ridiculous! He's got so much personality and I am loving seeing his toothy grin as he smiles at me, then rears his head down in a speed crawl in my direction- so sweet!

Some of the most recent may have seen these on facebook, but if not, well they are my absolute favorite...

Now you must click on this picture to see his face close up- hysterical!

His model look
just sweet

Grandma and Grandpa came for a quick visit and Ethan got his first chance behind the wheel- he may have found his true calling in life- yes indeed he is fast and furious

We also went on a beautiful Sunday afternoon stroll along the Greenbelt, and the Nature Observatory Park...then played at the playground...

Here, smell this...yeah right

We decided to crawl around in the red tube- hence the red faces
He quite enjoyed himself inside there

LOVED the slide

Every stage is so much fun- he is into so much TROUBLE all the time but so cute when he does it...everywhere he goes there is a trail of destruction
And he's already figured out how to remove the outlet covers I put in place- I'll have to upgrade to another style- hopefully that'll take more than two weeks to figure out!

But I'm just glad he's active and healthy- couldn't have asked for a better little boy- he's exactly the one I wanted and he blesses my life every single day!


  1. love the slide pictures! he is getting so big, he's not your lil babe anymore!! pretty sure our house looks like that EVERYDAY ALL DAY!!

  2. He's so dang cute... I love the picture on your blog header. And I know what you mean about outlet covers... I have tried a couple different ones... its still a battle sometimes at our house (but it's gotten better!)
