Family of Four

Family of Four

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Momma's Boy...YEAH RIGHT!

From the moment I knew I was having a little boy, I just figured that he would be completely attached to me. That his world would revolve around me, and mine around his, and that he would love me more than anyone else in the whole world. It seems like that would be fair and right. Well i can't say he never had his moments, but lately I think he just tolerates me, but the person who makes his whole world complete is his Daddy. There is no one else in the world that can compete, sadly to say, now I'm not saying that it isn't sweet, it's just that I am the one that spends all my waking breathing moments doing everything I can to make him fed, healthy and happy, and what do I get in return- well lately he swings at me when I say no, he throws tantrums mostly for me, and when he hurts himself he goes ONLY to his father for say the least it does hurt my feelings. So since I didn't get a momma's boy round one, maybe this little peanut in the oven will be my hip attachment, and for the moment I can just appreciate the little things, like the fact that only MY singing can tame the wild bean child down for bed. I'll take what I can get!

                                               Must have been a rough day all around!

                                                   Just like his Daddy...

Loves David's baseball hat only when he wears it he prefers it to be covering his face

Just an evening game of crawling tag

Everyone pitching in to get the kitchen cleaned up! lol

Oh and yes Ethan is obsessed with this box...if you couldn't already tell

Monday, October 22, 2012

Our Second Munchkin

Well due to an eventful weekend we had a slightly early ultrasound and were able to catch a glimpse at the little peanut inside me...we are excited to say that since we made such a beautiful little boy on our first go around, we have the opportunity to welcome a second baby boy into our family! We are so excited that Ethan and "little brother" will be so close in age- hopefully they'll be best buds! So here's a little first picture of our roughly 7 oz. 17.5 week old little guy.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Autumn Days

Well, it seems that autumn may have already come and least the autumn I am familiar with. It was beautiful and splendid for maybe a week, with crisp mornings and evenings, sunny days filled with leaf crunching and jacket wearing, and now it's like autumn "Tim Burton" style- and if you are unfamiliar with Tim Burton animations, then just picture autumn without the sun and with lots and lots of rain and there you go. A bit gloomy to say the least. But on a positive note, I have a new camera- and we managed to get some great autumn pictures before autumn died...

And yes...I am obsessed with every cute dimpled part of this little boy...

He was such a Hoot in this pile of leaves I went photo happy on him...can you tell?

Ethan and Dad out back getting ready to grill some salmon!!! Even chilly weather won't stop a man from using his grill...or his son from being his apprentice...they are attached at the hip when David is home

He just looks like a little boy...just strutting through the leaves all's bittersweet

He is obsessed with sitting on his pumpkin that he got at the pumpkin patch...he even tries to tote it around the house, but it is quite heavy for a little guy, but it's super funny to watch him huff and puff for the split second he can pick it up and take a step!

CHEESE! He knows he's being silly, that's the only way I get him to smile for me!

Now what little boy doesn't want to play with a stick? They are seriously the coolest toy and whenever we go to the park he is constantly picking them up and holding them until the next coolest one comes along...well on this particular afternoon he hit the jackpot!

It was hysterical to watch him tote this around as it was twice his size, but he was happy and so were my camera and I!

I just love this boy so much I can't fathom how it's possible to fall this much in love with another child! But I also didn't realize how much I would love this boy before he was born. I know this new addition to our family will be a great blessing and be loved beyond what I can now comprehend, we're just excited to find out what it is...any guesses as to girl or boy? We are open to name suggestions either way as well...just saying!

Big City Adventure

We finally did it...what you may ask? Well we made the trek down to Minneapolis for a visit with the Rohrers. It was a solid 5 hour drive plus rest stops...and with a toddler and pregnant lady in the car (me) we had to make a few ;) but it was so worth it...and I can't say how welcome a sight two lane highways and criss-crossing freeways were...and I don't recall hearing ANY TRAINS all weekend! The weather wasn't super cooperative, but that didn't stop us from enjoying big city life and great company to their fullest. So here are a few of our adventures...

Kristy offered to watch Ethan in the morning so we could go to the temple which was fantastic...the morning was rough, which tried to deter me from going, but in the end even a burnt thumb (who knew the frosting on a poptart could melt of and get stuck to your finger?)  and bad attitude can't take away a single ounce of beauty from a temple experience! It was wonderful! Thanks Kristy!

First sightseeing adventure was the famous Mall of America! IT WAS HUGE! and I'm not just saying that because we live in a town of 200 outside the big town of 6500- this was a really big mall by any standard, and we were thoroughly impressed!

He looks so innocent...HA
Yes we bough a  "leash" for our prevent those split second breakaways toddlers are so famous for...and he actually loves it! He thinks it is the funniest thing, besides his Dad's singing ;)

A puppy leash for our human "pup"

The famous cherry on the spoon sculpture...yes we had to be good tourists and take the classic Minneapolis tourist picture

We went to Red Robin for lunch on Saturday which may not be a super big deal for some people, but for us it was HUGE! We only have a few places to eat in International Falls, and most of them are just local places not chains so they are either great or terrible- we've had a little of both- so a great burger chain was just what we needed!

The two boys were hysterical...Carter is a FANTASTIC eater and Ethan is....well he's not so it was funny to watch as Carter ate and Ethan played, and we tried to give Ethan french fries, I mean who doesn't like french fries...but he wasn't interested, so Carter ate his too ;)

Ethan was also in toy heaven at the Rohrer's house because they were all new to him. They played pretty well together and it was super cute to watch them follow each other around the house just toddling...and they even worked out a way to play with toys at the same time...see for yourself...

Carter just hasn't realized he got the raw end of this deal! lol 
The weekend was just a ton of fun, we enjoyed late nights getting destroyed at card games and Settlers of Catan, and fun outings in the city. The boys did pretty well overall even though their nap schedules got thrown off a bit! What troopers! Thanks again Dalan and Kristy for a great weekend!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

And We Thought Life Couldn't Get Any Better Than This...

It always seems that when you suddenly feel like all the pieces have fallen into place just right, your life is perfect, you are blessed beyond measure,  and you can't imagine anything better than what you've already those moments I think the greater plan comes into effect and says "You THOUGHT your life was perfect, but here's another little something to make it even better" with that said
 I suppose that it's time to let Ethan clue you in on our new little case you hadn't heard it through the grapevine yet...

Just hoping this isn't what he REALLY thinks of the whole idea! 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Before They're Forgotten

Every child has their own unique personality full of all sorts of fun quirks, and since all to often I find myself promising that I'll never forget these little's amazing how time doesn't just fly away alone, it takes memories full of laughs and smiles along with before I forget some of these funny things about my little boy, I decided to make note of them so that when they fly away I'll at least be able to look back on them someday and I'll smile again remembering how much joy he has unknowingly brought into my life.

He loves to pick out books one at a time and come sit in my lap. He doesn't necessarily want me to read them, as I usually just start reading and then he turns the pages, but I think he just likes to be close to me.

He gives kisses...big open-mouthed slobbery kisses right on the lips, and I LOVE them.

Sharing a drink with him always leaves delightful floaties in my cup, and you know, I think I'll miss those someday.

Part of Ethan's bedtime routine is that I sing to him right before I lay him down, and he usually gets drowsy and snuggles up to me and then goes to bed no problem. So when David has had to put him down he sticks to that same routine, only when David sings, instead of snuggling up and getting drowsy, Ethan just laughs and laughs...I think that if it wasn't so cute and funny, David might be offended! lol

I really don't keep the TV on all day for Ethan but there is a show on PBS first thing in the morning that he really likes, so now when I get him out of bed in the morning and sit on the couch to cuddle him, he always hands me the TV remote...well at least we've established a routine right? ;)

Ethan LOVES music, I think this kid was born to dance, and his moves have gradually changed. When he was younger he would just swing his arms and twist at the waist, then he started turning full circles once his balance was better, and now he does this mix of knee bending and hip's kinda like this...

Toothbrushing was quite an adventure at first so David decided to make it a little more fun...don't worry we do a better job than this now! lol

So there you have it...a few silly quirks which are very fitting for a sweet and silly boy!