Family of Four

Family of Four

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

So I am trying to keep up with this silly little blog of ours probably more for our sake than anyone else's, but I thought I would just pop on here and put another little update, I mean our little boy is a week shy of being 1/2  of a year old, and I always feel like there is so much going on, strangely since I started typing I can't seem to think of anything to say, so I will just post some picture updates since those are way more exciting than words, and go from there!

Teething has begun, and with it has come a whole new little monster...I love him, but he can be a little frightening lately...(i.e. the pictures above=typical day) on the upside, he is absolutely adorable and is learning new tricks all the time, well when he's not insisting on being held. He has so much personality starting to show through and I am starting to be a little afraid because this kid has got some spunk. He rolls over really well both ways, but rarely chooses to do so, I think out of stubbornness, he is very possessive of his things, including sippy cup, spoons, toys, etc. If you try to take something from him, he lets you know you've wronged him unforgiveably. 

He sits up pretty well on his own and loves reading books. His favorite book, ok I only have about 3 books for him, but the one he likes best of those three is this snowman book- for some reason he thinks it is the best thing since mommas milk!
he LOVES playing with this ball- and I love the faces he makes!

A smile!!! Rarely caught on camera without half his body being blurry because he's always in motion!

We decided to take a close up family picture- and what are the odds that mom and dad would be having trouble but the baby is perfectly positioned and ready to go- he positioned himself so well!

his new high chair which puts him right with us at the table

David tried to set himself on fire while starting up the grill- he singed his eyebrows, eyelashes, front of his hair and all his arm smelled awful and it looks hysterical!

Ethan also loves his hiking pack which he is actually big enough for now...looking forward to the summer, but he just loves his daddy and being right there on his daddy's back is too wonderful for words, and I'm sure even if he could use words, he wouldn't! Anyway there you have it, we're just livin' the dream- just the three of us and life couldn't get any better!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

We Just Completed a Marathon...

Everyone is doing it nowadays- maybe it's a midlife crisis kind of thing, maybe it's to get in shape, maybe it's to feel some sense of accomplishment, or just plain to try something new....for whatever reason everyone is doing it. I wish I could say we had just run, like cross country run, however ours was a marathon of weddings. This holiday season was spent not merely singing carols, Christmas shopping, and opening presents, and eating Christmas feasts, but wedding shopping, attending luncheons and ceremonies and driving EVERYWHERE!!!!!
 Here's our road map of travels... November 19-Salt Lake for Tiannas wedding & luncheon, 24-Twin Falls and Burley for Thanksgiving, December 10-Burley for douple reception, 17-Logan for Kassie's wedding and then Pocatello for her ring ceremony/reception, 20-Salt Lake for Deidre's wedding, luncheon & reception, then back to Boise until 24-Burley for Christmas Eve 25-Twin falls Christmas Day...we are COMPLETELY traveled out!
ok a little dramatic, but in all honesty we have a HUGE feeling of accomplishment, and though the Christmas season felt so rushed and I thought I missed out on giving my little boy the best first Christmas ever, I think we did alright and I wanted to make this blog in honor of the here it is, reminiscing our first holiday season with little E...oh and most people take pictures of the brides on their wedding day, I guess we are just super obsessed with ourselves because we just took pictures of us at their weddings, lol!

Salt Lake (Tianna's wedding day)
"Do I really have to get up?..."

Bath in our motel tub in Logan (Kassies wedding day)

Looking at temple square lights

At Deidre's reception (Doesn't he look spiffy in the tie I made him?)

so excited to celebrate Christmas in the morning at home (December 23)

Christmas Day sweet potato feast- he LOVES them!
he just likes awkward positions

His flirty face wearing a muscle shirt
O yeah check me out...
I seriously love this outfit- but he doesn't look like a baby anymore!

Well it's official- my little baby is no longer a baby- he's a little boy, I mean he may as well get his drivers license and then leave for college, that's how fast the time is flying, or so it seems. 2011 was quite an adventure with tons of changes, so we're excited to see what new adventures await us in 2012!