Family of Four

Family of Four

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Scared Hair... and other adventures

So our little bean-child is just over 7 months now- we're so happy that our lack of experience as parents hasn't stunted his growth or anything of the sort, so other than being just a tad bit lazy (yes babies can be lazy) he is growing up quite nicely. Currently he is suffering from a severe worst nightmare as snot makes me gag, and snot bubbles, well don't even get me started- lets just say it's a sad story over here. But just before his cold hit hard I snapped a few pictures of our little stud at his 7 month mark...

 Oh yes, he knows he's cute and uses it to his advantage every day, like for instance while he's eating and decides to take a dino chomp of his mother...I have tried to very sternly tell him NO BITING- yeah, it doesn't work he just smiles at me like he's saying "Did you notice how well I can use my teeth mom, did you, did you?" So pretty much he better just hope he doesn't pop the top ones through for a while because when he does, he might be saying a dios to his favorite on another note, if you haven't noticed in his pictures before, take a look at this...
take a good hard look at that head...
His hair stands straight up on end!!!! In the Hegstrom family we call this scared hair apparently it's been passed down for generations, and his father sported it quite nicely.
As you can see here...

Now one may ask, "why is it scared?" The answer...we can only speculate...

*Maybe the fear of laying down and conforming...
*Maybe it's standing for say no to cradle cap...which gratefully we didn't deal with
*Maybe it's a little lacking in confidence and it's feeling the need to impress (well if that's the case than my 
  hair is extremely over-confident and has  
  lost all desire to impress anyone- in fact i think it has laid down and died)
*Maybe it's rising above a mediocre standard
*Maybe it's just plain afraid that if it sits down no one will notice it's there-

...well scared hair, we've noticed you- we think you're pretty cute, you definitely make yourself known as a unique individual and we hope that you continue to fill out, grow, and reach your full potential. So keep on standing, but just know that there's nothing to be afraid of... except potentially a zombie apocalypse, one never knows.

Another new thing, our little boy sleeps sometimes in the cutest positions...and I caught this the other day...he looks like a little WORM!
Yes he woke up when I started messing around with the camera
Anyway, thanks for stopping by to catch a glimpse of our life's adventure- rarely a dull moment, and definitely not a dull child...he's got so much spunk and we can only imagine at this point who he'll take after, wait who are we kidding, he's a spitting image of his father...and not just in appearance- but he's got just a hint of his momma, though I can't quite put my finger on what it is but most importantly he thinks I am all that is good and perfect in his little life, and what more could I ask for.


  1. You are such a good writer. I was totally enthralled in your post. haha HE IS SO CUTE! and you are such a good mom!!!

  2. love the scare hair!! seriously a mini david haha i love it!!

  3. Scared hair. Haha. Love it! What a cutie!
