Family of Four

Family of Four

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Wow- really that's the jist of what I have to say today- I can't believe it but on the 23rd of January my little baby became half a year old! Where does the time go? So since you're dying to know how big he is at six months- here you go...

18.3 lbs - 59th perc.
26.5 in. long - 48th perc.
17.5 in. head - 68th perc.

And here's what he's up to at six months....

Has two teeth- and he loves to use them on ANYTHING!!
He can sit up pretty well on  his own

LOVES his sippy cup
Likes to hang out on his care bears blanket much to his father's dismay- oh and he prefers to be mostly naked
Super smiley little guy most all of the time


  1. what a little chunk! so crazy how time flies! he sure gets cuter by the day!

  2. So cute! The care bears blanket is just so bright and colorful! He weighs the same as Hannah...that's too funny! I swear she hasn't gained any weight since 9 months.
