Family of Four

Family of Four

Thursday, August 8, 2013

And then he was TWO!

So somehow my baby turned two, right in the middle of us buying our first house and moving, so I feel like I haven't had sufficient time to feel sad about how quickly my boy is growing here we go...this is the part where I put up pictures and remember how little he used to be and do a little sniffling. I'll reminisce about the time before tantrums and disciplining, and then adore the absolute cuteness that he is here's my big two year old!

Wouldn't blow out the candles but loved that everyone was singing at him...he just kept saying hot (ha)- at least he's learned something from me lol

just wanted to dig in the frosting at first
Then we made the mistake of taking of the cupcake wrappers...why on earth would we do that!

All's well, cupcake wrappers made it kinda back in place so he resumed picking

And then came the ice cream cone...he really did love it although he didn't smile...sometimes it is straight up serious business, everything is when you're two, plus he totally knows that he is making me work for it! lol

LOVES his cozy coupe!

Wish I could say that he is typically wearing clothes and that these pictures are the exception, but frankly that would be a lie...he loves to be in his diaper, and I hear it is great for the beginning of potty training, but who are we kidding, I just get tired of the constant clothing, and un-clothing so sometimes they just stay off!
At two years old they say you can double their height and figure out what their estimated adult height will be, so his stats at 2...35 1/2 inches tall (75 %) and 27 lbs. (50%) so he should end up being 5' 11"...but I think he'll hit 6 feet...guess we'll see!

All in all little Ethan is a pretty typical two-year-old except that he has no interest in talking, but is a Houdini with my attempts at baby proofing- he can into anything or out of anything if he wants to...he's been a pro with outlet plugs for a while now and his most recent success is pulling off the door knob covers...the kid is ridiculous!

As far as words go, he knows more than he says to me because other people hear him say stuff all the time, but when I ask him to say something he just points at kills me....but he is such a sweetheart

-he mauls his brother to no end- I've recently discovered him biting, kissing so hard he leaves teeth prints, kicking, dumping water on, and planking on his brother to name just a few of the creative tortures he instills...poor Ben.
-he has ginormous hands and feet
-he loves to read books, but always wants to be in control of page turning, and you can never read each book just once, more like 3+ times
-he loves to say baby (bebe)
-he loves animals (especially dogs) and dinosaurs (they had huge ones at the zoo)
-his eating is coming along slowly...I am getting better at presentation which helps and so does cutting back on snacks! lol but he still favors cottage cheese (sheez) and milk juice (choc. milk)


  1. Happy birthday, Ethan! Sounds like Kort when it comes to talking - at 2 1/2 is when he started really talking. Oh and the door knob plastic covers, yeah. I had to start taping them together!

  2. He got the houdini bit from you---I remember you climbing up the little rocking chair to the piano bench, and working your way up to the keys---and you coudn't even walk yet!
