Family of Four

Family of Four

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Loosiana Livin'

So Louisiana living has been quite the experience so far with flash floods, and then random days where it's 75 degrees outside and beautiful, IN JANUARY, but strangely enough you still get wet either way. 

It's also quite an adventure to be given "pet" names everywhere we go by the sweet older women...David and Ethan get "honey" and the one I've gotten is "babe" - and they also love to call me "Miss Daisy" with their sweet southern drawls- I am growing quite fond of it. 

It is also impossible to keep my hair straight most days...there's just too much water in the air. Now I don't really have curly hair, but down here it seems that is all I'm gonna get, so in order to be a southern belle I'm gonna have to get my groove on with the diffuser and a lot of gel, wish me luck.

Another fantastic thing about being in DeRidder is that it brought us within 3 hours of the Durfee's whom we hadn't seen in 2 years! Our first weekend here they made the drive up into the middle of nowhere Louisiana to pay us a visit and help break in our new home! It was a whole barrel of fun, at least for us (hope you guys had fun too!)

Two little pups in a gigantic tub with bath crayons...what could be cuter?!
They loved it

Another highlight was Ethan's was a real winner, but apparently no one can play in it without him...

 This is our front door, which we never use as it is terribly intimidating because it is so huge and LOUD- it makes me feel as though I am Belle approaching the beasts know minus the gargoyles and creepy shadows (although the two lights on either side are lanterns...kind of interesting for a newer house to not have electricity running to the outdoor lights)

Ethan loves to run through the house pushing his treasures in my laundry baskets...unfortunately it makes it hard to put dirty laundry in contained spaces when my son confiscates my baskets

Chili anyone? Ethan has a very mature pallet and LOVES spicy chili...looks like it loves him too!

75 degrees last saturday made for a nice family walk...yes I was the third wheel

Ethan really loves his Daddy, if you couldn't tell

This is the forest right out in front of our house...ok not really a forest but that's what it looks like

I ask him to smile for me, and I get a belly button shot, thank goodness for his onesie to keep the picture appropriate lol

The sweetest view from "up here"

As we were walking back to our house and we saw this view of it, we decided it looks like we live on a large southern estate home...never pictured myself here, but it's kind of fun, so for the time being I guess I can be "Miss Daisy" out here on my southern estate


  1. I didn't tell you this before you moved--but my sisters used to sit on the bed at night and watch the cockroaches come out of the closet at night. I didn't want to worry you before you got there---here's to hoping you don't see too many!!!

    I'm very impressed that you remembered how to say loosiana.

  2. Lovely post - makes me nostalgic for the south. Of course they would call you "Miss Daisy"! It is so appropriate...and what a lovely home! Are you buying or renting? Is your stay there expected to be long?

    1. David's company owns the house so we have the blessing of living in it for the time we are here in Louisiana without any cost for rent/utilities. We are feeling very blessed! We will be here until the end of April and then back to Boise.

  3. it was so fun! can't wait to visit again miss daisy ;-)

  4. Looks and sounds like you are settling in well.
