I have the two most adorable boys on the planet- I'm allowed to say that because I'm their mom- and it is such a sweet thing to have seen how Ethan has taken to his new brother. He is absolutely smitten. But I really wasn't expecting Ben to take so well and so quickly to Ethan. It is amazing how much comfort they take in each other's company after only 6 weeks. I can't exactly show in pictures the ways in which they are completely different but how much of a connection they have. It is a beautiful thing and warms my tender mother heart.
I can always count on Ben bringing a smile to Ethan's face when we go to get him out of his bed after an afternoon nap, and when we are changing Ben's diaper and Ethan comes around to maul him, Ben will just sit and stare and stare at Ethan next to him, with a sort of adoration on his face.
Ethan wanted to rock Benjamin to sleep |
It was too hard to rock so he decided to just snuggle up next to him |
We've started kind of bathing them together, we sit Ben's tub inside the big tub and clean them both that way- and they love it- then when they're all clean we lay those two adorable towel-clad boys next to each other on our bed and watch the magic of their adoration for each other unfold...it is a completely delicious experience (yes I can call them delicious, ask any southern woman) Just like PB & J
Just checking each other out |
I say smile and here's what happens...two squinty eyed boys |
Any my absolute favorite- doesn't get any better than this |
Watching them makes heaven seem so much nearer. Maybe, just maybe, they've know each other for a really long time and can't believe that it took me so long to bring them together. Who knows.
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