Well that title may be a little harsh...we did have some festivities spread out over a couple of weeks, and the silly thing is that Ethan didn't even notice the lack of Halloween Day activities, it was probably only that I felt let down that everything fell through. But all-in-all it was a fun "season" even if our branch party turned into a ten-minute trunk-or-treat, and the town party that was supposed to be for children either didn't happen or was in another town ;) Needless to say we made the most of it and even though we'd dressed Ethan up for a party and didn't get one, I still got pictures of him in costume and he got to show off for David and I.
Last weekend I made spider sandwiches to get us all in the mood for the holiday...
Sunday we carved Ethan's pumpkin...he was so serious about it that I couldn't get a smile out of him. I am not sure if he enjoyed it, or if it was like a duty to him to get it done, but whichever way it was it kept him entertained for an hour...all in all a success!
I'm working...leave me alone
Part of our Halloween dinner consisted of "Mummy Dogs"
When we showed up for the town trunk or treat and games, this is all we found...but Ethan seemed ok with it, he removed his coat and immediately took off down the hall!
We were going to dress up as members of the Avengers...since I am the biggest comic book nerd...oh wait that's David...but then life happened and we never got costumes put together other than Ethan's. So our one little dressed up family member was the cutest Captain America I've ever seen and no one will even notice we never dressed up since we had no where to show off costumes anyway!
Our little Captain America hamming it up as always! |
And since he didn't get the party I was telling him about all day (I'm sure he'll remember ;) We stopped in at Dairy Queen and got him a Blizzard...ok who are we kidding? The ice cream was mostly for me and my pregnant hormones lol
And since I have jabbered too much already here is just a whole slew of pictures of the little Captain himself
Sucker from the Branch trunk-or-treat...he wouldn't let go of it for anything! |
Super cute dinner, Daisy! Ethan doesn't even realize how lucky he is! Funny that the Halloween party magically disappeared before you got there...at least you didn't waste time or money on costumes, right?