Family of Four

Family of Four

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

From Baby to Boy

Holy moly, somewhere in the last year my little baby boy has grown up to be a big toddler boy! How on earth this happened so fast I can't quite figure out, but there you go, time sure does seem to be going faster and faster all the time! So before a whole other year goes by I though I would take a blog moment here in honor of my favorite little boy in the enjoy

My sweet little newborn under his burp rag...he was so tiny!

Just a few days old of his very alert moments

One month
Two months
Three months
Four months
Five months
Six months
Seven months
Eight months
Nine months
Ten months
Eleven months

And now, at one year old our son has finally had the growth spurt that truly makes him a little boy. He shot up in height and got slim...he is now 30.25 in. tall (66th percentile) and 22 lbs (41st percentile) he is finally more tall than he is wide (proportionally if you know what I mean)

And here is the best example of what our little one year old is up to...

He is absolutely silly and is a complete flirt in public...much to my dismay, although it is cute. We STILL can't get enough of him and can't imagine life without this adorable boy we've been blessed with!


  1. so crazy how time flies! He looks the same from day one! Love the video he seems like he is full of energy!

  2. We are just driving thru North Carolina and sharing mission stories. My husband wanted to look up your husband his name is Nic Van Leeuwen. His number is 801-656-8307. He wants David to call him. He says I have to meet this hilarious companion :) your baby is darling.
