Ok, epic fail on my part in keeping up on journaling...this is supposed to be my "family journal" and apparently I am just not good at journaling, but here we are for the moment, so enough excuses. I'll make the best of this visit!
Since the last time I put anything on here a lot has happened...we painted half of the inside of our house, we dug yards and yards of rocks out of our backyard and installed sod...we built a garden box and planted in it, and it's actually growing, Ethan went on his first father son campout. Ben has begun his love of outlets...currently trying to get me to let him plug my curling iron in...sorry dude, not happening. Ben has also discovered the joy of fit throwing, and he throws a real doozey complete with beating his head into random pieces of furniture or the wall or floor. Ethan is being potty trained and has been doing AMAZING!
I think that is all of the big news...beyond that we are just living one day at a time, sometimes simply one tantrum at a time, and loving every second of it (wink wink). I absolutely love my boys, and I suppose that is the reason I am on here less. I am discovering how quickly the days fly and how fast my kids are growing and between house projects and just loving the crud out of my kids my time is pretty full. I thought that having more than one child would be the most stressful thing ever, and some days, some moments it is...but being a mom of two is even more fun than being a mom of one...there is just something about seeing your kids play with each other and love each other that warms the soul and my heart, and days seem fuller than they've ever been before. and no "fuller is probably not a word but who cares?! These two little boys who made me a mom, make me the happiest mom in the universe.
His favorite way to smile for the camera, darn it he's cute, even with that crazy un-tameable hair! |
This is how brothers play... |
Kisses |
He knows who's in there, but every time he opens the lid he acts like it's a surprise! kids are so funny |
Ben's smirky smile |
Love this sweet face |
Ben's cuddle blanket, we call it blanky blanky...yeah we're super creative around here. We try to keep it in the crib, but the poor knitted blanket is his favorite thing next to his thumb, and it is getting pretty ragged, i mean it is knitted for heavens sake! |