Every child has their own unique personality full of all sorts of fun quirks, and since all to often I find myself promising that I'll never forget these little things...it's amazing how time doesn't just fly away alone, it takes memories full of laughs and smiles along with it...so before I forget some of these funny things about my little boy, I decided to make note of them so that when they fly away I'll at least be able to look back on them someday and I'll smile again remembering how much joy he has unknowingly brought into my life.
He loves to pick out books one at a time and come sit in my lap. He doesn't necessarily want me to read them, as I usually just start reading and then he turns the pages, but I think he just likes to be close to me.
He gives kisses...big open-mouthed slobbery kisses right on the lips, and I LOVE them.
Sharing a drink with him always leaves delightful floaties in my cup, and you know, I think I'll miss those someday.
Part of Ethan's bedtime routine is that I sing to him right before I lay him down, and he usually gets drowsy and snuggles up to me and then goes to bed no problem. So when David has had to put him down he sticks to that same routine, only when David sings, instead of snuggling up and getting drowsy, Ethan just laughs and laughs...I think that if it wasn't so cute and funny, David might be offended! lol
I really don't keep the TV on all day for Ethan but there is a show on PBS first thing in the morning that he really likes, so now when I get him out of bed in the morning and sit on the couch to cuddle him, he always hands me the TV remote...well at least we've established a routine right? ;)
Ethan LOVES music, I think this kid was born to dance, and his moves have gradually changed. When he was younger he would just swing his arms and twist at the waist, then he started turning full circles once his balance was better, and now he does this mix of knee bending and hip thrusting...it's kinda like this...
Toothbrushing was quite an adventure at first so David decided to make it a little more fun...don't worry we do a better job than this now! lol
So there you have it...a few silly quirks which are very fitting for a sweet and silly boy!