Family of Four

Family of Four

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Last month in review

So I've been a little out of touch with blogging for the last month- maybe I just lost the drive, maybe I wasn't sure if people really wanted to see that many pictures of my baby, or maybe (and this is the one I hope it was) I just got caught up in being a mom and had no time for anything here are a few fun pics from the last month

First off Ethan decided he is just too busy to breastfeed so he weaned himself, but as you can see even a bottle puts a cramp in his playtime- it's kind of like feeding a baby calf- I am almost convinced that if we didn't make him eat he'd just play and play until he completely ran out of juice and keeled over!

The only things he is interested in taking time to eat, are things that seem important to me, so since I was cutting up the other pepper, he must have thought that I was eating it, so he would eat one too...

If you can't tell, he didn't like it at all, however he kept at it..

And kept at it some more...

And just decided that he would bite it, then remove the piece from his mouth, throw it to the ground, then bite off another chunk! Needless to say there was quite a mess all over the kitchen floor!

I also discovered two different toys that I NEED, yes I said NEED, for Ethan- number one...Little people barn with animal sounds and a giant Lego table...these so far seem to be the only things that have kept him entertained for more than 2 seconds other than electrical outlets and cords! I discovered the lego table while on an outing to Carter's outlet...
That's a face of pure bliss
He literally spent the whole time at this table while I browsed- it was great and he was completely content...I have got to get one of these so I can actually get chores done around the house!

And I suppose the last thing to add for this little blog...the most important thing that happened this whole past month...Ethan got EVEN CUTER!!! I wasn't sure it was possible, but it happened!

Such a little clown- he's always making question he's David's son!

Please excuse my armpit- I was trying to get him to smile at the camera and his attempted smile cracks me up! Little mister personality!
He just keeps transforming into a little boy - I can't hardly believe he's not really my BABY anymore- but I love the little bundle of boy he's becoming!

Oh and P.S. exciting Zoo adventures blog to will be epic!