Family of Four

Family of Four

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Weekend adventures

So there really aren't a ton of pictures of me with my little boy, but this weekend David went crazy with the camera- so I thought I'd share our weekend story, just so everyone knows I really do exist!

Just before my hair change...I can't believe how long my hair was!

Trying to get Ethan to pose with me for a picture to show off my new was hard work!

Not too bad in the end though!

And on to our bubble blowing adventure at the Municipal Park...the lighting was weird due to the eclipse

I had to keep moving away from him but he kept trying to attack the bubble wand...

aaaand still following me- also his new thing is that he always has to be touching me...sweet but sometimes a little much!

His concentrating face...

Our little family

Love this pic!

 Yes he does smile but this is after I decided to sit in the front of the car on the way to the park instead of sitting back by didn't go well- and he didn't get over it for a while

Part of his happy dance...

the hat only stayed on this long because he 'forgot' it was there

this is what usually happens when I try to take a picture of him- ATTACK!

Oh yeah- I just remembered you put a hat on my head and I hate hats...

So there it is in a nutshell, another great Hegstrom weekend...nothing incredible so to speak, but man we have a GREAT life!

Monday, May 21, 2012

A hair journey

So, this is a silly story about hair...maybe it sounds familiar to some maybe absurd to others, but it is what it is (and I just wanted to give a little precursor before anyone who reads this blog sees pictures and wonders who David's new girl is!) lol...I've had fine hair my whole life- then it got beautifully thick when pregnant- fell out horribly from months 4-6 postpardum and grew in WAY darker. So naturally I panicked- ok color was an easy fix- bought some hair dye- wa la I became a brunette- problem solved, but the chunks of hair slowly growing in have posed a different problem- there are mass amounts of them right on my hairline that just stick out everywhere- I have played around with cutting it for a while and when David got me a coupon for a hair appointment I decided, what the heck, if I'm going to cut bangs so the little guys in the front can grow in more gracefully I may as well chop it all off- so here you go- a hair transformation!

Longest ponytail I've ever had in my adult life! but look at those ridiculous hairs!

And there they are again- thwarted again and again
So one haircut and weave later- I'm blonde again and sporting a very short- ok short for me- hairstyle

the bangs blend in my little chunks of flyaways so well!- so now I won't look like my son took scissors to my head!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Little fingers and GINORMOUS messes!

Well we are really pushing finger foods lately- mostly because when he is shoving stuff in his mouth, it gives both David and I the opportunity to use both of our hands to do the same for ourselves- oh the luxury- however we discovered quickly that a dropcloth( or a torn trash bag- since we're cheap) is absolutely necessary unless I'd like to be pulling crusted, unrecognizeable chunks out of the carpet for the next couple of here's how the experience is going- we've turned the boy loose on chunks of mango and strawberry...

Overall not too messy- neither item could mush up too much so in the end everyone was smiling...GOOD experience...

Then we tried green beans...and I only had french cut...lets just say I think mostly Ethan was smiling...

I mean why wouldn't he smile- he got a bath out of it since we had no idea what else to do with him...

So overall an ACCEPTABLE experience- at least one of us was filled with pure bliss...

So after two decent experiences we just went CRAZY and decided to try spaghetti...and yes I already had an inkling that it would be bad...and sometimes I hate how I'm so frequently right! lol

this is a face filled with much trepidation
...and Ethan's filled with wonder and delight...if you couldn't tell by his serious expression- I know that is wonder and delight because his eyebrows aren't furrowed! lol yeah he's either a very serious baby or a complete crack-up

oh yes...someone was having a good time

there's his five o'clock spaghetti shadow...

and this is the picture we are going to show to any girl that he wants to take on a date, if we don't like her...although it is kind of cute in a primitive way...

So overall round three was a GREAT and TERRIBLE experience- he was having a hoot and we were sitting in horror wondering where to begin with the damage control, and then he was hollering when we started to clean him up, naturally it's much more fun to be messy, and so you may guess what happened next...yes a bath, when all else fails and the mess is too overwhelming it is much easier to watch your child delightedly splash as large chunks of food float around him, than to pick them out of the carpet, your shoes, your toes or anything else that picked them up by accident.

But don't worry the little guy cleans up well, and then slobbers himself silly! Man it's tough work to be a baby!

I sure love my baby boy...he's such a sweetheart when he wants to be :)- and he definitely likes his Mommy! we're pretty much attached at the hip, leg, arm, foot, or whatever he can get hold of!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

30 years

I always wonder, will I still be as madly in love 10, 20, 30 years down the road as I was when we were engaged. Will my heart still flutter when he walks through the door. Will I feel giddy all over every time he holds my hand?...Well after 3.5 years I have to say the simple answer is no, but the full answer is that so far, in the 3 and a half years we've had together and after all of the changes we've been through, graduating from college, having a baby, and getting the first big job (to name a few) I haven't ever been more in love than I am now. So no I don't love him the same, I love him more, and its a deeper love. No my heart doesn't flutter every time he comes home but my heart sighs in relief because he's come back to me again, like he does every day and will every day for the rest of our lives. Man it feels good to have a love like that and to know that it doesn't have to feel like new love anymore because the comfort of the old is even better. You've worn into it and it fits just right.
This last weekend David's parents celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary and came up to Boise to spend it with all of their kids (hence the mushiness thus far). It is just always such a comfort to know that love lasts and as I look at their family, my family, you see a great group of people, none perfect, but all woven together by love- the love that started with just two- two people once giddy in love and now so perfectly comfortable in love. Congratulations to them on what I'm sure was a great 30 years. Not lacking in its difficulties and trials I'm sure, but never lacking in love either. So to Rob and Katie, thank you for your example, and thank you for loving each other and your children enough to allow them to reach adulthood!

Here are a few pictures of the wonderful weekend!
30 Years of Marriage- Congratulations!
The Hegstrom Boys
The Whole crew
Among many of the fun adventures, Ethan got to have his first experience in a pool - I thought he'd love it since he loves the bath, but I'm not sure it was a winner...

please excuse the no makeup look!
So long story short, it was a great weekend, it was so good to see everyone, and from David, Ethan and myself a big thanks, without your love I wouldn't have my love, and my little love! I am eternally grateful!

And now, because I absolutely cannot help myself, here are a few pictures of Ethan!
Right before his first haircut- yes it was WILD and very SCARED hair
I'm cute and I know it
This face means trouble...
Just love his grins when he's crawling toward me!
And there you have it- so now I'll sign off yet again!