Well, I realized it has been nearly a month now since I have updated anything on here. Maybe that's for the best, but regardless I feel the need to brag about my newest baby buys, and my amazing husband and all of our grand adventures!
Currently David has hit the major crunch of the tax season, which fortunately hasn't meant that he is working until midnight yet, but he did pull a nice 11 hour day last week. He is incredible and I am so proud of him for his hard work and drive to provide for our family! I love him to death!
I am working random odd jobs, not really bringing in much money but at least helping to pay for a few baby expenses I think, other than that everythings about the same with me. Just getting a little more of a belly every day and getting more and more excited to have this little guy. I am sure that every mom-to-be thinks that they are figuring out their child's personality already while they're still in the womb and I am no different. I am already sure that he is going to be a little mischievious like his daddy was as a child, so since I am convinced that is the case, then I sure hope he also has his daddy's red/auburn hair (or as David himself calls it "
autumn foliage"), and the big puppy dog eyes he had too so that it will be impossible to be cranky with him ever...I am sure that the teenage years will bring enough crankiness on!!:)
My latest pregnancy
issues, don't get me wrong I am loving the experience for the most part and am so excited, but there are definitely some inconveniences that come along with it, I mean the other bodily organs don't shrink to accomodate baby they just kind of move around and squeeze together. Anyway as I was saying, the latest thing is that at night I breathe like an rabid, obese hound. yes I know that sounds horrible and comical at the same time and I suppose it is. David told me the other night that I sounded like the Devil- maybe a little harsh but in all seriousness when I was just waking David up at night I was ok with it...:) but now that I am snoring myself awake too I am a little bit more upset, there is nothing worse than realizing that your have 4 more months of increasingly decreasing lung space, and are already snoring to wake the dead.
As far as new purchases go, if you know me well enough, then you know I am a bargain hunter. I am not opposed to getting used things that are in fantastic condition and saving hundreds of dollars, which is what I have done already. My latest purchases were my stroller and carseat set. Sorry Caden, they are exactly the same as yours, but I couldn't pass up the deal. They are very neutral in color with green, brown, red, tan, etc. stripes and dots, and I got them both for $60 bucks and they are in great condition. I also just got my bedding set. It is the Nojo brand jungle babies set, this is my killer deal, it is absolutely adorable and retails for 150-200 dollars, and I got it for $30!!!!! It is in immaculate condition and I am already creating other little bits and pieces to coordinate with it, now I just have to wait and find out where we'll be living when we have the baby so I can start to set up the baby room. I think it will be great when I can put all my baby stuff out and look at it and admire it!
Well this has truly turned into my own journal but this is a rather long update since it's been so long the most exciting part will probably be the pictures...PLEASE feel free to oooh and aaaah as you look at my adorable bedding set, it would make me even more excited, I have to remind my husband that is how you respond to baby things, you squeal and get wide eyed, all the women know right. David usually just states rather monotone-like, "yeah that's really cute" so I am now training him in "appropriate responses to seeing baby things that your wife has purchased." Well that's all for now, enjoy!
My travel System- I love the dots & stripes combo!
Crib Quilt- ADORABLE!!!
Bumper, valance, crib skirt
Diaper stacker & mobile